Creativity and its existence

Victor Raphael Africa
3 min readApr 4, 2021


Creativity is a word that comes to mind when expressing a more artistic or unique perspective to a creation. Since childhood, creativity is the very life we breathe into the things we make or do, making them uniquely different because it is ours. It is creative because it comes from us, from the way we visualize it to the execution. This creativity has pushed many people to go against the grain and establish the world they envision and make it a reality. At first, this creativity I saw in the greatest works and pieces, seemed innate to the gifted few. As if this creativity to change the landscape or to cause ripples were bestowed upon these gifted. These gifted few to me were otherworldly, and it is in their giftedness did the world they envision become the world we live in.

This gift, how does one acquire it? A better question would be how does one improve his/her creativity. It is in my DECSC course, where I would find that answer. Like other skills and talents, creativity is worked upon and polished. It is a skill that must be consistently applied and improved on to be better utilized in all its shapes and forms.

Through the Da Vincian principles, methods and ways of thinking are “exercised” to stimulate creativity. Flow allows for one to be immersed in whatever it is they do. Creativity in this situation helps one to analyze and understand while being cohesive. Lateral thinking allows for a view into other perspectives and can help provide thoughts that might be unconventional but valuable in refining and addressing the gaps. These are the tools that help foster creativity akin to vitamins, they are the foundation.

Problem-solving/finding helps to properly understand the gaps and the proper ways to address them. With this, a thorough understanding can be made, which would then link to adapting/innovating. With the utilization of creativity, solutions can now be made to address these issues. Adapting helps to reestablish a creation regardless of the changes in the market. Innovating allows for new products to break ground and to change the market entirely. These here allow for the foundation to be utilized and are used to create the solutions to these problems.

Creativity takes many shapes and forms but, these are at the heart of my creativity. It is in the coexistence of these ideas and parts that my creativity is fueled.

Some may think that creativity is blessed upon the few but one cannot truly know if not worked upon. Creativity is innate in all of us as the world we see and our perspective is breathed in all the things we do. If everything we do is uniquely ours, and we are constantly applying our creativity why not improve on it? Creativity is in all of us, we have to do now is give it space to roam free. Build upon it, refine it, polish it, whatever it takes. It is because our perspectives are unique and different do they testify to our creativity.

